Wang Wei
Birthday:1980December 24
Current residence:Beijing China
body weight:88~92kg
blood type:A
home:Nanyang, Henan, China
Profession:Personal fitness trainer、Film and television actors、lecturer
He started playing football at the age of 6,16Entered the Former A B team Chengdu Wuniu at the age of,Become a national athlete。
2001year,He is only 21 years old,The state of exercise is at its peak,Full of longing for football career。
March of the year,As the captain, he was participating in the Philips University Football League with his teammates,
Rupture of left leg meniscus,Torn ligaments on both sides。
Due to diagnostic error,Delayed the best time for treatment,
3 months after surgery,Muscle atrophy in his left leg,The difference between the length of the legs is 6.8 cm。
The former sports star suddenly became walking on crutches,
People with disabilities who have difficulty taking care of themselves,There was a lot of discussion。
Dreams are shattered day and night,The future is bleak,Wang Wei was sluggish for a while。
"Life closes a door for you,Will open another door for you。”
The care of teachers and classmates,Let Wang Wei rekindle hope,He started active rehabilitation training。
Since then,Bodybuilding has opened another door to Wang Wei's life。
With a grateful heart,Enthusiastically invest in bodybuilding。
"Fitness is not the most important thing in your day,But it is the most important thing in your life!
Don't always trade your life for money when you are young,Take money to buy life when you are old。
To develop good living habits,Actively exercise,
Exercise regularly,Save yourself healthy capital。”
2009National Bodybuilding Championships 85kg (Highest level) Crown Jun
2007World Natural Bodybuilding (Asia-China) 90kg Crown Jun
2004-2008Maintained the record for the highest number of games played in China each year / 6 times national championship in three provinces Jun
2005National Champion Jun Invitational Tournament over 90kg
2004National Youth Bodybuilding Championships Heavyweight Champion Jun
2002Henan University Student Overall Champion Jun
2002Received surgical treatment on August 9,,Then began to work out in 2001 severely injured。Cause one-leg disability...
This time, Du Daxiong will give the majority of bodybuilding enthusiasts,And people who advocate healthy living,Brought this "Victor Wei Wang"。
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