BLUEMEN blue male color NO.65 coffee shop warm male manager-Lego-Wanke photo

BLUEMEN blue male color NO.65 coffee shop warm male manager-Lego-Wanke photo

简介 拥有模特身材比例优势的乐高,Like to record life in different ways。 Participated in the filming of micro-films as a student,现在与蓝男色合作记录下自己的青春映像 在文青风咖啡店工作的他,Have a unique personal taste,Want to know more Lego,Hurry up and press buy to support Lego on the move。 Full hard jet writing ...
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Lego with the advantage of model body proportions,Like to record life in different ways。
Participated in the filming of micro-films as a student,Now cooperate with the blue male color to record your own youth image
He who works in Wenqingfeng coffee shop,Have a unique personal taste,Want to know more Lego,Hurry up and press buy to support Lego on the move。

Full hard jet writing



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Number of pages:135

Retail code:BLM-NO65
For retail, please add WeChat to purchase
We chat number:wanker-vip

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