NO.05 MEN-Push up,Fuck down-Wanke Video

NO.05 MEN-Push up,Fuck down-Wanke Video

Resource Type:video
Resource size:431M
Number of photo pages:no
Video duration:22Minute 51 seconds
Retail code:NO.05 MEN
Download software:Baidu Netdisk
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actor:Diego Sans & Jay Seabrook

When Diego Sanz lost his magic in a series of push-ups,His exercise partner Jay Seabrook knows how to motivate him with the fire he needs to complete his reps。Jay takes off his shorts,Show Diego his hard buttocks and cheeks,Then put yourself in the hole where Diego can fuck him every time he pushes up。Diego has strong muscles enough to cope with the challenge,Before Diego licked his ass,Jay rewarded him with a deep throat blow。Fuck Jay Spang from Above,Then 69,Then Diego fucks the dog style below。These guys cool down by applying facial beauty to each other,Then celebrate with chest hits and high fives!

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