NO.20MenAtPlay-Give up accepting awards for the partner's body-Wanke Video

NO.20MenAtPlay-Give up accepting awards for the partner's body-Wanke Video

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Resource size:824MB
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Video duration:24Minute 52 seconds
Retail code:NO.20MenAtPlay
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MenAtPlay Suit Collection Award vs Reward

tonight,Leo Rosso will be recognized and awarded for his charitable work。 He invited his partner Ruslan Angelo to join him,But Ruslan prefers to stay at home to swim and enjoy the sun。

Ruslan noticed that Leo looked good in his suit,He decided to tell him that he should wear such clothes often,Leo agreed! His suit partner looks great,Leo started to make love to him,The giant root gradually heats up,At this time Ruslan realized that the award ceremony was about to begin,I won't be able to catch up if I don't go,Leo stopped him from going out,Ruslan asked Leo if he was in a hurry? Ugh,Leo changed his mind,Prizes can wait,But the body in front of you can't wait!

actor:Leo Rosso & Ruslan Angelo

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