NO.45MenAtPlay Men's Private Collection - Wanke Video

NO.45MenAtPlay Men's Private Collection - Wanke Video

Resource Type:video
Resource size:765MB
Number of photo pages:no
Video duration:23Minutes 05 seconds
Retail code:NO.45MenAtPlay
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MenAtPlay Suits Formal Private Collection
actor:Diego Reyes & Jonathan Miranda

Diego Reyes gets a chance to show his photography in a small gallery。when Jonathan Miranda walked in,He's making sure everything is ready。Jonathan works in advertising,Find some inspiration before heading back to the city the next day。
Diego sees this as an opportunity not to be missed,So he showed Jonathan his work。but Jonathan told him,His work is not adventurous enough,Lack of uniqueness and individuality。
This is another special project that Diego told him。He took secret photos of the man he slept with during a trip to America。Jonathan seems curious,suggested that Diego show him his private collection。but,before these two spikes finish their work,they are looking for some fun,and ready to play there,Now in a proper flip-flops session!

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