This is a 4-part prequel series,It’s another series after the Prison Storm series. The first series tells about the experience of rapist Teo Beng Hua and pickpocket John F in prison。
This conviction story mentions that ArifK was sentenced for killing and awaiting trial。 If found guilty,He will be sentenced to hang。When Arif was escorted into the prison room,His roommate is the rapist Teo Beng Hua。
Nightmare in Prison II-NIGHTMARE
Arif dreamed that he was dragged into a dark tunnel while walking on an empty corridor in the prison。 When he wakes up,I found myself half naked with a metal chain lasso around my neck。 A mysterious guy caressed him when he was bound and helpless,And fucked him hard。He shouted "I'm sorry" when he was dreaming,Wake up Teo Beng Hua。
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